Volki Odina (Odin's Wolfes) - 2001

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There are photos from role-playing game "Odin's Wolfes" that has gone not far from Viborg at 16-20 August 2001.


All that I have seen was mostly in Scotland lands. Also what can do man called Alek McGregor of McIntosh, f.e. in the middle of Norway? Only to spend the night at Normans tavern cause late arriving to the playing area...-) In the photo above is dialog between King of Scotts and captured hevding (they try to find out what to do with this man from Norway...-)

King of Scotts Kenneth McAlpen and his brother and council Kormak McAlpen.

Somebody has marked such thing in this game: while Normans all the day have fight and all the night - drink, Scotts have at the day pair combat situations (without real fight) - and all the night - holiday. Also life in Scotland was mostly peaceful and...

Many kraftmanships, simply life - and Samhain, but in style of Belltaine...


But in Norway were other people. Armed men, conquests, battles... And holiday for them was a great fighting (right like in Valhalla) - barbarians, what to say more!-)


And the war comes to Scotland - Dans, Normans and they allies from Dublin have made such a situation that Scotts shall fight against them. Many from these agressors have found end of long way here...
But the enemies returned again! Many and many warriors from beneath the sea with the traitors - people of York is coming to Ar Giala walls...
The Scotts fights greatly - every one against the seven enemies. But walls was weaken than people, and into the breakthrough run the hord of warriors. So was taken the fortress of Ar Giala...
The Scotts that were not slayed have beginned the guerilla.Queen of York has become nothing as reward for her traitory but lost the life. Something like that was happened with many more enemies...

Who want to know more - You shall find other players...

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